Inventory Skills Test

Let's see if you've got your ducks in a row regarding Inventories.

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Inventory Cases are presented in the following table for your completion:

Inventory Cases Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Case 5 Case 6
Beginning Inventory 3,000 5,000 6,400 ? 10,000 20,000
Ending Inventory ? 1,400 4,300 17,300 15,000 ?
Purchases 262,000 ? 320,000 275,000 ? 100,000
Cost Of Goods Sold 265,000 350,000 ? 260,000 300,000 ?
Goods Available for Sale ? ? ? ? ? ?

Using the above table and information select the appropriate dollar amount for the missing amounts: Note: Paper, pencil, and a calculator will aid you in calculating the correct amounts.

Give the test a try on your own; but, if you need to see the results, check out the Inventory Answers I prepared for you.

Question .


Select the Correct Amount from the list above