Bookkeeping Testing Topics
Quizzes & Tests
Bookkeeping & Accounting Tests By Topic
Your not under the light but you're on the Hot Seat !
The bookkeeping quizzes and tests in this section are organized by topic. Topisc include bookkeeping terms,rules, debits and credits, cash, inventory, payroll, special journals, and financial statements.

Hot Potato Test Instructions
These bookkeeping and accounting quizzes were created using Hot Potatoes free quiz software.
Most of the bookkeeping tests are True and False and Multiple Choice made up of 20-30 Questions.
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Accounting & Bookkeeping Terms
Difficulty Level: Easy
Learning definitions and terminology is about as much fun as watching grass grow; but, it is necessary to the understanding of bookkeeping. Let's see what you know.
Crossword Puzzles
Test your knowledge of accounting and bookkeeping basic concepts and terms with these accounting and bookkeeping crossword puzzles.
Difficulty Level: Easy
Debits and Credits enable the double entry bookkeeping system to work. Unfortunately, the only way to tell if you've mastered debits and credits is to put you under the light and grill you. Let's see what you know.

Special Journals
Difficulty Level: Easy
Special Journals allow us to group like types of transactions together which are summarized and posted to the General Ledger. Let's see if you know what types of business transactions are recorded using these journals.
Difficulty Level: Easy
Cash is the lifeblood of all businesses. Topice covered include petty cash, bank reconciliations, cash forms and documents, cash journals, and cash budgets and projections.
Difficulty Level: Medium
Test your understanding of payroll and the laws and forms you need to be familiar with.

Difficulty Level: Medium
Keeping up with "stuff" is a headache; but, that's what inventories are about. See what you know about inventory rules and methods.
Chart Of Accounts
Difficulty Level: Medium
The chart of accounts is the skeleton of a bookkeeping and accounting system. Do you know how to properly set up a chart of accounts ?

Financial Statements
Difficulty Level: Medium
Financial Statements are the end result of financial accounting. What do you know about the Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement, and the Statement of Owner's Equity ?
Let's see.

Management Accounting Basics
Difficulty Level: Easy
Management and Cost Accounting are a special area of accounting. You need at least a basic understanding of this specialized area.